Monday, October 28, 2013

Oracle Database 11g Installations screen disappears after selecting desktop class as system class

hi all

if your facing below problem,I have provided a solution for the same,please check below

while installing Oracle Database 11g screen disappears after selecting the system class

solution 1:

try to execute setup with 

setup -jreLoc C:/Java/jdk1.6

make sure you do not add jdk in folder with having space(like "Program Files")

solution 2:

if above one does not work then while installing DB select only install database only  like below

now,the setup will work like a bullet....:)...Njoy.....

Post a question if you still faicng any probelm.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Create Jeopardy Notification to send email

this demo will show you how to create jeopardy notification to send email.

select the automation task or manual task of your process

go to the jeopardy tab

add a jeopardy,click on email

check the condition

select the roles

check polling

you can attach automation also to the jeopardy

Create Automation Internal Plugin

This demo will show you how to create an automation plugin of internal type

step 1

select the automation task

step 2
create an automation internal plugin

attach a xquery to automation plugin

step 3
you can write xquery code in the plugin